•  JLB
  • 50.8% (Neutral)
  • New member Topic Starter

You don't have to translate it. I'm fairly comfortable translating French to English. But I can't even read this image. It's a brief baptism record in the lower left corner of the image.

Zoe Brousseau.

2nd paragraph up from the bottom left corner. Just three sentences.

If you can help make out the words I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you!
Here's what I came up with:
Marguerite Hélène Peck
Le vingt huit octobre 1860 nous prêtre soussigné avons baptisé Marguerite Hélène née le 1 aôut du légitime mariage entre Roderic? Nelson Pock? Peck? etFéliceEleonore Dauphin, a été parrain John Peck, cousin, et marraine Emelie Marie Peck soeur de l'enfant.
Zoé, If you are still interested in the 2nd paragraph up from the bottom left corner, this is my best shot at what is written!
In the margin: “Baptême Zoé Brousseau” (There is a word below Brousseau in the margin that looks like “paid”)
In the main text: “Le vingt huit octobre mil huit cent soixante nous prêtre soussigné avons baptisé Zoé née le huit courant du légitime mariage entre Hilaire Brousseau et Catherine Picot (sp?), a été parrain Michael Dunn et marraine Thérѐse Labatte (sp?). Gérard prêtre”