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New Obituaries and 25% Off on Genealogy Quebec!

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More than 60,000 obituaries have been added on Genealogy Quebec!

Explore these documents alongside 60 million historical archives on the website’s new search engine.

And for a limited time, get 25% off the yearly subscription to Genealogy Quebec! There’s never been a better time to dive into your family history.

Newspaper obituaries from Quebec

22,000 obituaries have been added to the Newspaper Obituaries collection. These notices are from all over Quebec and date from 1850 to 2024.

The Newspaper Obituaries collection, available exclusively on Genealogy Quebec, now contains 1,475,000 death notices. These are mainly from Quebec and Ontario, but also from the rest of Canada and the United States.

You can search the collection directly at this address.

Internet Obituaries from Canada

38,000 obituaries have been added to the Internet Obituaries collection. These notices are from 2024 and were published all over Canada.

The Internet Obituaries collection contains over 3,000,000 Canadian death notices from various online sources, covering from 1999 to the present day.

You can search the collection directly at this address.