Get 25% off the Genealogy Quebec subscription until Christmas!

Announcing the 10 winners of the Drouin Institute’s contest!

It is now time to announce the 10 winners of our contest launched on March 8, 2022, in which you could win an annual subscription to Genealogy Quebec1,000 hits on or $200 on our online boutique.

Without further ado, here are the 10 winners:

  • Denys Bertrand
  • Susan Coupal
  • Martin Carriere
  • Richard Pagé
  • Jocelyne Beaulieu
  • Chantal Vallières
  • Leslie Hatch
  • Line Gibbons
  • Lise Rose
  • Gabrielle Lévesque Baudet


More than 6,700 of you participated in our contest this year, a record! Many thanks to all our participants.

If you are not one of our 10 winners, don’t worry, you will have other opportunities to participate in the future. Stay tuned!

Genealogically yours,

The Drouin team

Trace my roots – Geolocated genealogical tours

Connect with your ancestors like never before with the self-guided geolocated genealogical tours offered by Trace my roots! Walk in your ancestors’ footsteps by visiting their ancestral lands, discovering monuments to their memories, or by reflecting on their lives at their burial sites, all thanks to Trace my roots’ geolocated tours.

The Trace my roots website offers geolocated tours you can follow at your own pace, by bike or car, using a phone or tablet. Depending on the tour, you may visit, for example, the home of an ancestor, the bridge or the street bearing their name, the family store, or the resting place of the ancestor and their descendants.

These tours, enhanced by historical documentation that puts the locations visited and how they relate to your family into context, will allow you to connect with your ancestors in a unique and unforgettable way.

Get 10% off all tours by entering the code CODEDROUIN at checkout!

Enter the code CODEDROUIN to get 10% off all tours!

Trace my roots is a product of Parcours fil rouge, a nonprofit organization aiming to promote the historical heritage of Quebec.

How do the tours work?

First, you must select and purchase the tour(s) of your choice, which you can do at this address.

For demonstration purposes, we will use the Boucher family tour.

The Boucher tour has 7 stops

Once you have the tour in hand, choose your preferred method of transportation (bike, car or on foot), and go to the first stop. Each stop of the tour includes a Google Maps geolocation allowing you to get there with ease, as well as historical documentation putting the stop and its relation to the family in context.

In the case of the Boucher family tour, the first stop takes us to the banks of the Ouelle River and teaches us about the first Boucher’s lives as sailors.

First stop of the Boucher tour. Source: Google Maps

” Pierre Boucher’s [1673 -] son François Boucher [1699-1759] became a captain on fishing boats, while Pierre’s grandson, also named François [1730-1816], became a notorious sailor, merchant and civil servant. The latter’s son Pierre (1764 -), worked as a pilot, and second son Louis-Michel [1769 -] later took over their father’s position. “

Boucher family tour, Trace my roots

The tour then takes us to the modern cemetery of Rivière-Ouelle, where many Boucher descendants are buried.

Tombstone of Médard Boucher who died on December 2, 1878 at the age of 73. Source:

The third stop of the tour is located at the mouth of the Ouelle River and is titled “Rivière-Ouelle Heroes

“Galeran Boucher and his sons Pierre and Philippe, as well as his nephew Pierre Boucher dit Desroches and his nephew’s son Ignace, were part of a group of some 40 volunteers who pushed Major General William Phips’ fleet to the mouth of the Ouelle River around October 13th, 1690.

Each parish resident had to have his own rifle, powder, ammunition and be prepared to respond in the event of an attack. The Lord being absent, it was the priest, Pierre de Francheville, who allegedly gathered his parishioners, armed with rifles, to prevent the English from landing to resupply.”

Boucher family tour, Trace my roots

Third stop of the Boucher family tour. Source: Google maps

The tour then takes us to the ancestral land of Pierre Boucher from which he exploited the beluga whale fishery, then brings us to the seigneurial concessions of Pierre, Ignace and Benoit Boucher.

Source: Boucher family tour, Trace my roots

Finally, the tour ends at the original cemetery of Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière.

“At least 37 members of the Boucher family, descendants of Marin Boucher and Perrine Mallet, or of the lineage of Pierre Boucher, governor of Trois-Rivières, founder and Lord of Boucherville, rest in this cemetery. The latter is Gaspard Boucher’s son, who immigrated at the same time as Marin and came from the same place; they were in fact called “cousins”. A commemorative plaque lists the names of the 219 founding families whose members were buried here.”

Boucher family tour, Trace my roots

Seventh and last stop of the Boucher family tour, the Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière cemetery. Source: Google maps

You too can connect with your ancestors today!

Enter the code CODEDROUIN to get 10% off all tours!

If you have any questions about the tours or the website, you can reach the Trace my roots team at this address.

Micromatt-IGD digitization service

The Drouin Genealogical Institute, in collaboration with its partner Micromatt, offers a scanning service adapted to your needs and requirements which takes into account your budgetary constraints.

Since 1972, Micromatt has provided a wide range of products and services related to microfilm and electronic document management. Their reputation is built on a personalized approach that takes into account your needs and requirements, the possibilities offered by current technology and your budget realities. Micromatt cares about the success of your archival projects and takes the time to better target appropriate solutions.

In addition to common administrative documents scanning, Micromatt also has the equipment and expertise to digitize your plans and technical drawings, your books and bound documents, even old and fragile, as well as your microfilms on 16 and 35 mm reels, microfiche or aperture cards. Micromatt can even scan very large artworks at very high resolution.

For its part, the Drouin Genealogical Institute specializes in sharing and preserving the historical and genealogical heritage of Quebec. Today, this preservation involves the digitization of the hundreds of millions of documents which reside, often forgotten, in the many libraries, societies and other institutions of the province.

From there was born the Micromatt-IGD collaboration, which aims to offer you a high-quality digitization service accompanied by unique offers made possible by the commercialization of historical and genealogical archives performed by the Drouin Institute.


Your large documents, in black or in color, can be converted into digital files to keep, transport and view, even on your mobile platforms. Micromatt can scan your plans, technical drawings, maps and other large documents up to 48 inches wide, even using advanced image processing to improve readability.


Micromatt can take over the scanning of your day-to-day business documents such as contracts, invoices, human resources documents, event and research records, etc.

In addition to the obvious space saving they provide, digitized documents can be viewed and shared without travelling, and they can easily be stored and secured in multiple locations to control access.

While microfilm serves a long-term archival need, digitization can be used on records that you need to access every day.


While the secure preservation of microfilm documents has now been replaced by digital scanning, there is still a very large quantity of legacy microfilm and microfiche, from which we can also extract indexed digital files to make them accessible and easier to read and share.


You can now ensure the longevity of your old and precious books, even fragile, entrusting us scanning your bound documents of all sizes. Using highly specialized scanners, ensuring the capture of pages without physical constraints or damaging lighting, our operators will be able to extract high quality images allowing even full text search. This allows you to give broad access to these rare documents more easily to more people.


Over the past 20 years, Micromatt has digitized more than 20 million historical records for the Drouin Genealogical Institute, and has developed unparalleled expertise in digitizing historical records of all formats and types.

In addition, Micromatt offers a free optical character recognition (OCR) service, producing a detailed index of scanned documents for you to search.

Digitize twice as many of your historical documents while keeping the same budget!

Thanks to a collaboration with the Drouin Genealogical Institute, you now have the opportunity to double your digitization capacity while keeping the same budget!

The concept is simple: the Drouin Institute subsidizes 50% of the costs incurred by the digitization of your archives and gives a second life to these documents by making them available on its website The documents digitized on Genealogy Quebec will be used by its members to discover and trace the history of their families in the province.

We are mainly interested in the following types of archives:

  • List of electors
  • Censuses
  • Birth, marriage and death registers
  • Obituaries
  • Baptism, marriage and burial directories
  • Headstone pictures
  • City directories
  • Property assessment rolls (List of land owners)
  • Memorial cards
  • Wedding photos (with names)
  • Postcards
  • Newspapers
  • School yearbooks
  • Boarding school registers (Adoption, nurseries, hospices, orphanages, schools, convents)
  • Other historical documents with a high density of names

Contact us to submit your project!

Ready to launch your digitization project or have a question about our services?

Contact us right now!

Phone: (514) 931-7508


Address: 1170, rue Beaulac , Saint-Laurent, QC H4R 1R7

Announcing the contest winners and 60% off the Drouin Institute online boutique!

It is now time to announce the 10 winners of the genealogy raffle launched on February 22, 2021, in which you could win an annual subscription to Genealogy Quebec1,000 hits on or $ 200 on our online boutique!

The winners are:

Lisa Guindon
Michel Néron
André Coulombe
Sylvie Houle
Jean Leclerc
Guillaume Boissonneault
Nathalie Lagassé
Gaston Moore
Audrey Champagne
Rachel Bouffard

A big thank you to our 4,410 participants!

60% off on the Drouin Institute online boutique

If you aren’t one of our 10 lucky winners, we still want to give you an opportunity to save money! Enjoy 60% off all purchases on the Drouin Institute boutique with the code DROUIN2021! This offer is valid until March 15th, 2021.

To benefit from this promotion, simply enter the code DROUIN2021 on checkout.

The Drouin Institute online boutique includes all the books and CD-ROMs produced by the Drouin Institute, more than 4,000 items. The boutique is also home to various directories and books from historical and genealogical societies across Quebec, Ontario and the United States.

You may use the search function to find books pertaining to a specific region, family, individual or subject.

Here are some of the collections available on the boutique.

Patrimoine familial (Family Heritage)

This collection presents some of Quebec’s most notable historical figures and details their genealogy and family history.

Patrimoine national (National Heritage)

The Patrimoine national (National Heritage) collection contains various directories of parish records, cemeteries, death notices, memorial cards, censuses and more.

Livres divers (Miscellaneous books)

Contains various books and directories from the Drouin Institute as well as genealogical societies from Quebec, Ontario and New England.

Again, thank you for your participation and your confidence.

Genealogically yours,

The Drouin team

Win a yearly subscription to Genealogy Quebec, 1000 PRDH-IGD hits, or $200 to spend on our online boutique! – Second edition

The Drouin Institute, in collaboration with the Fédération québécoise des sociétés de généalogie, is happy to announce the second edition of its yearly contest, in which you can win a yearly subscription to Genealogy Quebec, 1000 PRDH-IGD hits, or $200 to spend on our online boutique. Participating is free, quick and easy!

How to participate

To enter the contest, simply create or log in to a Genealogy Quebec account between February 22nd 2021 and March 8th 2021, 3:00 PM EST. You do NOT need to purchase or have an active subscription on the account to be eligible for the contest.

If you do not have an account on Genealogy Quebec, create one (no credit card required). This should take you no more than a minute.

If you already own a Genealogy Quebec account, log in to it between February 22nd 2021 and March 8th 2021, 3:00 PM EST to ensure your participation in the draw. That’s all!

10 winners will be drawn at random on March 8th 2021 at 3:00 PM EST.

Make sure the email address associated with your Genealogy Quebec account is valid!
If you are drawn as a winner, you will be contacted via that email address. You will then have 48h to claim your prize. If necessary, a second draw will take place on March 10th at 4:00 PM EST in order to allocate unclaimed prizes to new winners.

The prizes

Yearly Genealogy Quebec subscription (Can$129 value) 

An annual subscription to Genealogy Quebec gives you access to the entire website and all its tools and collections for a period of 365 days.
Genealogy Quebec is a subscription-based research website regrouping all the collections and tools developed by the Drouin Institute over the course of its existence.

The website’s 15 tools and collections amount to over 47 million images and files covering all of Quebec as well as parts of the United States, Ontario and Acadia from 1621 to this day. Genealogy Quebec is by far the largest collection of Quebec genealogical and historical documents on the Web.
You will find more information about the website on the Drouin Institute blog.

1000 PRDH-IGD hits (Can$79.99 value)

PRDH-IGD is a directory of ALL vital events (baptisms, marriages and burials) recorded by the Catholic church in Quebec and French Canada from 1621 to 1849, as well as a genealogical dictionary of families. The PRDH-IGD database contains over 2,500,000 records.

What makes PRDH-IGD unique is how these records are connected to one another through genealogical links, which we refer to as Family Reconstructions. In addition to baptism, marriage and burial files, the PRDH-IGD contains individual and family files.

Any individual mentioned in a BMD record from the database is attributed an individual file. Similarly, any married couple mentioned in a BMD record gets their own family file.

PRDH-IGD subscriptions work by using “hits”.
A “hit” is used every time a record certificate, an individual file, a family file or a couple file is viewed. The original search that leads to the result list is free. You will find more information about the structure of the database at this address.

$200 to spend on our online boutique (Can$200 value)

The Drouin Institute online boutique includes all the books and CD-ROMs produced by the Drouin Institute, more than 4,000 items. It also offers directories and books from various historical and genealogical societies in Quebec, Ontario and the United States. If you choose this prize, you will receive a credit of $200 to spend on any item(s) in the boutique.


  1. To be eligible for the draw, you must own a Genealogy Quebec account that was either created or logged in to between February 22nd 2021 and March 8th 2021, 3:00 PM EST.
  2. This contest ends on March 8th 2021, 3:00 PM EST, at which time the winners will be chosen at random.
  3. The 10 winners will be contacted by email one hour after the draw (March 8th 2021, 4:00 PM EST), and will have until March 10th 2021, 4:00 PM EST to claim their prize. Once this date has passed, the unclaimed prizes will be subject to a new draw, and can no longer be claimed by the original winners.
  4. 48 hours after the initial draw, if necessary, a new draw will be done to award the unclaimed prizes to new winners. They will also have 48 hours to claim their prize. This process will be repeated until the 10 winners have been selected and have received their prizes.
  5. The 10 winners will be announced publicly on our Facebook page and via our newsletter once the 10 prizes have been distributed.
  6. Are excluded from this contest: Any employee or representative of the Drouin Genealogical Institute and the people with whom they are domiciled. Any institutional account (library, society, museum, school, etc.).
  7. Any litigation respecting the conduct or organization of a publicity contest may be submitted to the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux for a ruling. Any litigation respecting the awarding of a prize may be submitted to the board only for the purpose of helping the parties reach a settlement
  8. It is prohibited to create multiple Genealogy Quebec accounts in order to increase your chances of winning the draw. Individuals creating more than one account for this purpose will be disqualified.
  9. In order to select the 10 winners, a list will be produced from those eligible for the draw. Each individual in this list will be assigned a specific number (1, 2, 3, and so on). A random number generator will be used to generate a list of 10 numbers, and the individuals associated with these numbers will be the winners of the contest.
  10. A paid subscription to Genealogy Quebec, either current or previously active, is NOT necessary to participate in this contest.

If you have any questions or need help, please contact us at


Good luck!

The Drouin team

Contest winners and 60% off the Drouin Institute online boutique

It is now time to announce the 10 winners of the Drouin Institute contest launched on April 29th, 2020!

Congratulations to:

  • Jocelyne R.
  • Lyne G.
  • Luc C.
  • Jules Pierre L.
  • Gilles B.
  • Dan N.
  • Claudine P.
  • Jean-Guy B.
  • Liette N.
  • André D.

The winners were given the opportunity to choose between a yearly subscription to Genealogy Quebec1000 PRDH-IGD hits and $200 credit on our online boutique.

A big thank you to our 4368 participants. In view of the enthusiasm generated by this contest, there is no doubt that we will repeat the experience. Keep an eye out!

60% off on the Drouin Institute online boutique until the end of May

If you weren’t one of our lucky 10 winners, we still want to give you an opportunity to save money. Enjoy 60% off all purchases on the Drouin Institute boutique with the code DROUIN2020! This offer is valid until June 1st, 2020.

To benefit from this promotion, simply enter the code DROUIN2020 on checkout.

The Drouin Institute online boutique includes all the books and CD-ROMs produced by the Drouin Institute, more than 4,000 items. It also offers directories and books from various historical and genealogical societies in Quebec, Ontario and the United States.

Again, thank you for your participation and your confidence.

Genealogically yours,

The Drouin team

Win a yearly subscription to Genealogy Quebec, 1000 PRDH-IGD hits, or $200 to spend on our online boutique!

The Drouin Institute is offering you the chance to win a yearly subscription to Genealogy Quebec, 1000 PRDH-IGD hits, or $200 to spend on our online boutique. Participating is free, quick and easy!

How to participate

All you need to enter the contest is a Genealogy Quebec account to which you have logged in at least once between April 29th 2020 and May 13th 2020, 3:00 PM EST. You do NOT need to have an active subscription on the account to be eligible for the contest.

If you do not have an account on Genealogy Quebec, simply create one (no credit card required). This should take you no more than a minute.

If you already own a Genealogy Quebec account, you must log in to it at least once between April 29th 2020 and May 13th 2020, 3:00 PM EST to ensure your participation in the draw. That’s all!

10 winners will be drawn at random on May 13th 2020 at 3:00 PM EST.

Make sure the email address associated with your Genealogy Quebec account is valid!
If you are drawn as a winner, you will be contacted via that email address. You will then have up to May 15th at 4:00 PM EST to claim your prize. If necessary, a second draw will take place on May 15th at 4:00 PM EST in order to allocate unclaimed prizes to new winners.

The prizes

Yearly subscription to Genealogy Quebec (Can$129 value) 

An annual subscription to Genealogy Quebec gives you access to the entire website and all its tools and collections for a period of 365 days.
Genealogy Quebec is a subscription-based research website regrouping all the collections and tools developed by the Drouin Institute over the course of its existence.

The website’s 15 tools and collections amount to over 46 million images and files covering all of Quebec as well as parts of the United States, Ontario and Acadia from 1621 to this day. Genealogy Quebec is by far the largest collection of Quebec genealogical and historical documents on the Web.
You will find more information about the website in this blog article.


1000 PRDH-IGD hits (Can$79.99 value)

PRDH-IGD is a directory of ALL vital events (baptisms, marriages and burials) recorded by the Catholic church in Quebec and French Canada from 1621 to 1849, as well as a genealogical dictionary of families. The PRDH-IGD database contains over 2 500 000 records.

What makes PRDH-IGD unique is how these records are connected to one another through genealogical links, which we refer to as Family Reconstructions. In addition to baptism, marriage and burial files, the PRDH-IGD contains individual and family files.

Any individual mentioned in a BMD record from the database is attributed an individual file. Similarly, any married couple mentioned in a BMD record gets their own family file.

PRDH-IGD subscriptions work by using “hits”. These hits are valid for 23 months.
A “hit” is used every time a record certificate, an individual file, a family file or a couple file is viewed. The original search that leads to the result list is free. You will find more information about the structure of the database at this address.


$200 to spend on our online boutique (Can$200 value)

The Drouin Institute online boutique includes all the books and CD-ROMs produced by the Drouin Institute, more than 4,000 items. It also offers directories and books from various historical and genealogical societies in Quebec, Ontario and the United States. You will be free to spend these $200 on any item(s) in the boutique.


  1. To be eligible for the draw, you must own a Genealogy Quebec account that was either created or logged into between April 29th 2020 and May 13th 2020, 3:00 PM EST.
  2. This contest ends on May 13th 2020, 3:00 PM EST, at which time the winners will be chosen at random.
  3. The 10 winners will be contacted by email one hour after the draw (May 13th 2020, 4:00 PM EST), and will have until May 15th 2020, 4:00 PM EST to claim their prize. Once this date has passed, the unclaimed prizes will be the subject of a new draw, and can no longer be claimed by the original winners.
  4. 48 hours after the initial draw, if necessary, a new draw will be done to award the unclaimed prizes to new winners. They will also have 48 hours to claim their prize. This process will be repeated until the 10 winners have been selected and have received their prizes.
  5. The 10 winners will be announced publicly on our Facebook page and via our newsletter once the 10 prizes have been distributed.
  6. Are excluded from this contest: Any employee and representative of the Drouin Genealogical Institute and the people with whom they are domiciled. Any institutional account (library, society, museum, school, etc.).
  7. Any litigation respecting the conduct or organization of a publicity contest may be submitted to the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux for a ruling. Any litigation respecting the awarding of a prize may be submitted to the board only for the purpose of helping the parties reach a settlement
  8. It is prohibited to create multiple Genealogy Quebec accounts in order to increase your chances of winning the draw. Individuals creating more than one account for this purpose will be disqualified.
  9. In order to select the 10 winners, a list will be produced from those eligible for the draw. Each individual in this list will be assigned a specific number (1, 2, 3, and so on). A random number generator will be used to generate a list of 10 numbers, and the individuals associated with these numbers will be the winners of the contest.
  10. A paid subscription to Genealogy Quebec, either current or previously active, is NOT necessary to participate in this contest.


Good luck!

The Drouin team