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Genealogy Quebec user guide

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This guide will help you navigate the various pages and collections available on

Table of contents

Subscribing to’s tools and collections require a subscription to use. In order to subscribe, head over to the subscription page, and select the subscription of your choosing (24h, 1 month, 1 year).

After selecting your subscription option, you will be redirected to the account creation process, where you will need to enter your email address as well as a username and password of your choosing.

Once you have entered and validated your account information, your account will be created. You will then be prompted to purchase your subscription.

On the subscription purchase page, you will be asked to select your payment method (Paypal or Credit Card) as well as to confirm your subscription option. Clicking on the “Pay” button will redirect you to Paypal or Stripe, depending on your payment method, and allow you to proceed with the payment.

Your subscription will be activated as soon as the payment is processed, which should be instant.

Please note that you can also subscribe by phone using your credit card by calling us at 514-400-3961.

Unsubscribing from

If you’ve subscribed using Paypal or your credit card, your subscription will be set to renew automatically. To cancel this automatic renewal, head over to the unsubscribe page and click on “Stop the automatic payments”. If you’re having trouble with this process, contact us at or 514-400-3961.

Logging into your account

To start using your subscription, you must log into your Genealogy Quebec account. To do so, head over to the login page and enter the username and password you have selected earlier.

Password recovery

If you have lost or forgotten your password, head over to this page and enter your email address. You will receive an email containing a link which will allow you to select a new password for your account.

Accessing’s tools and collections

To access Genealogy Quebec’s tools, you can use the “Search tools” tab in the menu bar.

Genealogy Quebec’s tools are separated in 3 categories.

  • Primary research tools

These are the most comprehensive and detailed tools available on the website: The LAFRANCE, the Marriages and Deaths 1926-1997 tool, and the Obituary section. For most of our subscribers, these tools will be sufficient to find their ancestors and retrace their lineage. All of these tools are equipped with a search engine.

  • Secondary research tools

These are our complimentary research tools. They are used to address potential gaps in searches made using our primary research tools, or to add additional sources and information to these searches. All of these tools are equipped with a search engine.

  • Archival funds and databases

These tools use a file tree structure. They are not equipped with a search engine and must be browsed manually.

On the Tools page, users may get more information regarding each tool, such as the type of document, the period and region covered as well as a short tutorial, by clicking on “More information”.

Other useful links (guides, tutorials, FAQ)

Quick Start Guide

What is the PRDH-IGD?

What is Genealogy Quebec?

Genealogy Quebec and PRDH-IGD: the similarities, differences, and why you should subscribe to both

Establishing your ancestry and finding your ancestors using Genealogy Quebec

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

Research helper – Keywords

This section gives you a concise overview of the period, regions and type of documents covered by each of Genealogy Quebec’s tools. Complimentary information is included between parenthesis when the period, region or type of document is only partially covered by the tool.


17th century

18th century

19th century

20th century

21th century




Rest of Canada

United States





You will find a more detailed version of this research helper on this PDF file.

Using the LAFRANCE

Using the Obituary section

Using the Drouin Institute’s Great Collections

Using the Petit NBMDS tool

Using the Connolly File

Using the Drouin Family Genealogies

Using the Census tool

Using the Notarized documents tool

Using the Postcards tool

Using the Acadia – Families tool

Using the Drouin Collection Records

Using the Drouin Institute’s Miscellaneous Collections

Using the BMD Cards

Using the City Directories