Obituary section update on Genealogy Quebec

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More new content on Genealogy Quebec! This time in the Obituary section, which contains all the obituaries, memorial cards and tombstone pictures available on the website.

Memorial Cards

5,350 memorial cards have been added to the Obituary section, which now contains a total of 97,802 cards.
You can search this collection by name or first name of the deceased as well as by date of death.

Most of these cards pertain to individuals who died in Quebec between 1860 and today.
You can browse this collection with a subscription to Genealogy Quebec at this address.

Internet obituaries

A new milestone is within reach in the Internet Obituaries section, with close to 2,600,000 death notices now available. As the name suggests, this section contains obituaries from various online sources and covers all of Canada from 1999 to today.

This collection is updated monthly and is equipped with a search engine allowing you to browse obituaries by name, date, or via the text of the notice.

All these documents can be browsed in the Obituary section, where you will also find, in addition to memorial cards and internet obituaries, 710,000 indexed photos of headstones and 1,250,000 death notices from Quebec and Ontario newspapers.
More information about the Obituary section can be found on the the Drouin Institute blog.

Subscribe to Genealogy Quebec to have access to the Obituary section as well as 14 other tools totaling nearly 47 million images and files!

Genealogically yours,

The Drouin team