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All The 1917 Quebec Catholic Marriages Are Now Available on Genealogy Quebec!

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Today, we are happy to announce the addition of all 1917 Quebec Catholic marriages to Genealogy Quebec. These marriages are now available on the LAFRANCE.

LAFRANCE update figures

Catholic Marriages 1917: 15 369 records added
Catholic baptisms 1850-1861 : 17 397 records added
Catholic burials 1850-1861 : 6 576 records added

In addition, the corrections sent by our users over the past 2 months have been applied.

About the LAFRANCE

The LAFRANCE, one of 16 tools available to subscribers, is a detailed index with link to the original document of ALL Catholic marriages celebrated in Quebec between 1621 and 1917, ALL Catholic baptisms and burials celebrated in Quebec between 1621 and 1849 as well as ALL Protestant marriages celebrated in Quebec between 1760 and 1849. Baptisms and burials of the 1850-1861 period are added gradually through our bimonthly updates.

Original document for the 1917 marriages

While the certificates for the 1917 marriages are now available on the LAFRANCE, they are not yet linked to the original parish document. These links will be added with the release of our first spring update.
Until then, the original documents can be viewed in the Drouin Collection Records. Here is an example illustrating the process of finding the original document for a 1917 marriage.

We are looking for the original document associated with the marriage certificate of Joseph Desjardins and Marie Eva Levesque.

To find the original document, we will use the Drouin Collection Records tool. Once there, we will open the Québec folder.

We must then find the folder named after the parish in which the marriage was celebrated. In our case, the parish is St-Pacôme and will be found under “St”.

By opening the 1917 folder, we obtain the list of images of St-Pacôme’s register for that year. The images are sorted in chronological order; the first images will contain the January records, while the last few images will contain the December records. Since the marriage we are looking for was celebrated on January 30th, we know that it will be found on one of the first images.

And with that, we have found the original document pertaining to Joseph Desjardins and Marie Eva Levesque’s marriage.

New articles on the Drouin Institute blog

Immigration from Old to New France, the first of a series of articles about the first French settlers.

Genealogically yours,

The Drouin team

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