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Over 111,000 new births, marriages and deaths on Genealogy Quebec

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Over 110,000 birth, marriage and death cards have been added to the BMD Cards collection, one of 15 tools available to Genealogy Quebec subscribers.

These are non-Catholic births, marriages and deaths from the St-François judicial district, which encompasses most of the Eastern Townships.

They can be consulted in the BMS non-catholique, district St-François and Sépultures non-catholiques, district de Huntingdon folders, which can be found in the Fiches BMS (villes) folder at this address.

You can browse the BMD cards and trace your ancestors with tens of millions of historical documents by subscribing to Genealogy Quebec today!

What is the BMD cards tool?

The BMD cards tool is a repository of birth, marriage and death cards from Quebec, Ontario and the United States.

The documents in this collection are organized in a tree structure. In most cases, records are arranged alphabetically by the surname of the subject of the record, or the name of the place where the record is located.

As of today, the collection contains over 2.7 million cards. You will find more information as well as research tips on the Drouin Institute’s blog.

Genealogically yours,

The Drouin team