Trace your ancestors

Discover your family history and grow your family tree with the largest online collection of Quebec historical and genealogical documents

Trace my ancestors

All kinds of historical documents

Grow your family tree with religious and civil vital records, obituaries, headstones, censuses, city directories and other historical documents from Quebec, Acadia and the rest of French America.

Comprehensive research tools to grow your family tree

Over 100 million historical documents and images to trace your ancestors with.
15 tools to discover your Quebec, French-Canadian and Acadian ancestors, from New France to the present day.
Documents on Genealogy Quebec are indexed in Quebec, and the quality of the site's images and indexes is unparalleled.
Join thousands of members and discover your family history with Genealogy Quebec today!

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Genealogy Quebec is the number one genealogical research website in Quebec

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24h Access

  • 75 images over 24 hours
  • Access to all research tools and databases
  • Unlimited searches

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  • 100 images per day
  • Access to all research tools and databases
  • Unlimited searches


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as a payment of $129
  • 1200 images per week
  • Access to all research tools and databases
  • Unlimited searches
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Canada residents outside of Quebec: + GST + PST
Residents from outside Canada: No taxes

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