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Genealogy Quebec

Genealogy Quebec is a subscription based research website regrouping all of the collections and tools developed by the Drouin Institute over the course of its existence.

The website’s 15 tools and collections total for over 100 million images and documents covering all of Quebec as well as part of the United States, Ontario and Acadia from 1621 to this day. Genealogy Quebec is by far the largest collection of Quebec genealogical and historical documents on the Web.

More information about Genealogy Quebec


The PRDH-IGD is a directory of ALL vital events (baptisms, marriages and burials) recorded by the Catholic church in Quebec and French Canada from 1621 to 1861, as well as a genealogical dictionary of families commonly referred to as  “Family Reconstructions”.

The PRDH-IGD database contains over 3.2 million records and can be described as a comprehensive family tree of the French-Canadian population from the beginnings of the colony to 1861.

More information about PRDH-IGD

Fichier Origine

The Fichier Origine is a repertory of baptisms of immigrants to Quebec found in their country of origin (France, essentially) within a collaborative project between French and Quebec genealogy federations coordonated in Quebec

Trace my roots

The Trace my roots Website gives you the opportunity to purchase geolocalized tours in English or in French which you can follow at your own pace, by bike or car, using a phone or tablet. Depending on the route, you will discover, for example, the home of an ancestor, the great career of one of your ascendants or the bridge bearing their name. These excursions have something to captivate the interest of those who are interested in history, especially if they are passionate about genealogy.

Acadian Genealogy - Historical Acadian-Cajun Resources

Come visit our website which holds over 520 Acadian and French Canadian resources. We also hold researchable databases that has over 2.5 million individual lineages for 2500 family trees.
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