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New birth, marriage and death records on Genealogy Quebec

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16,767 baptism, marriage and burial cards have been added to the BMD cards tool, one of 15 collections available to Genealogy Quebec subscribers.

These cards cover the St-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Iberville regions from 1900 to 1970.

You can browse them with a subscription to Genealogy Quebec in the BMD cards tool, under the ” Fiches (villes)/District judiciaire d’Iberville/ ” folder.

What is the BMD cards tool?

The BMD cards tool is a repository of baptism, marriage and burial cards from Quebec, Ontario and the United States.

The documents in this collection are organized in a tree structure. In the majority of cases, the cards are distributed in alphabetical order according to the last name of the subject of the card or the name of the location where applicable.

You will find more information about this collection on the Drouin Institute’s blog.

You can browse the BMD cards collection as well as tens of millions of other documents of historical and genealogical interest by subscribing to Genealogy Quebec today!

Original document linked to 1919 marriages in the LAFRANCE

Most of the 1919 marriages available in the LAFRANCE are now linked with their original church document.

To view the document, open the record certificate and click on the link located at the top right corner of the certificate.

Record certificate of a marriage from the LAFRANCE. The blue arrow shows where to click to access the original document.
Original document as presented on the LAFRANCE.

More information about the LAFRANCE

The LAFRANCE is a research database of millions of birth, marriage and death records from Quebec, Ontario and the United-States. It currently contains:

  • ALL of Quebec’s Catholic marriages from 1621 to 1918
  • ALL of Quebec’s Catholic baptisms from 1621 to 1861
  • ALL of Quebec’s Catholic burials from 1621 to 1861
  • ALL of Quebec’s Protestant marriages from 1760 to 1849
  • 1,450,000 Quebec Catholic marriages from 1919 to today
  • 80,000 Quebec civil marriages from 1969 to today
  • 140,000 Ontario marriages from 1850 to today
  • 38,000 marriages from the United States
  • 3,000 Quebec Protestant marriages from 1850 to 1941
  • 17,000 miscellaneous Quebec marriages from 2018 and 2019
  • 68,000 miscellaneous baptisms and burials from 1862 to 2019

For more information about the LAFRANCE, visit the Drouin Institute’s blog.

Genealogically yours,

The Drouin team